Lomita Park Soo Bahk Do Walks For The Cure
REVLON - Walk For The Cure

Saturday May 10, 2014
Please come with us and support this great event to honor those we have lost to cancer and those who are battling and who have triumphed against cancer. There are several members of our studio who have had cancer affect them or their families in some way.
Monica Canlapan is one of those students and had asked if as a studio we could support this event and volunteered to act as organizer and team leader.
Registration for this event can be done on our TEAM PAGE located here.
The cost of registration is $35.

If you are not able to attend this event you are more than welcome and encouraged to make a donation to our team on the same page.
We will have updates on team status and plans on our Facebook EVENT page so please like our Lomita Park Soo Bahk Do Facebook page and join the event.
We are having T-Shirts printed out for our team members.
The first 24 people to register will get a FREE shirt with the Pink Ribbon logo above on the back.
If you can’t attend you are welcome to purchase one for $20. All profit will go towards our team’s goal. Information will be coming soon on how to order.
Our goal is to have a team of 20 people and to raise at least $1000.
If we get 25 people and raise $250 by April 18 we will get a staging area and team banner which will make make things much easier the day of the event.
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