
Student Resources

  1. Apply for or renew Federation Membership (Needed for Rank Promotion)
  2. Lomita Park Soo Bahk Do STUDENT INFORMATION FORM (for new students)
  3. LPSBD YouTube
  4. LPSBD Facebook
  5. Studio Training Videos (*You will need to register to access videos and other content on the  Some content is FREE and other is viewable through a paid monthly subscription.  To register and/or pay for a rank subscription please click on the on the image at the bottom of the page or here.)
      1. Little Dragons Level 1 (beginning Little Dragon students)
    2. GUP Level Training (color belts)
      1. White Belts (beginning Soo Bahk Do students)
      2. Cross Wrist Grabs #1-4 (Ho Sin Sool)
      3. 1 Step Sparring (Il Soo Sik Dae Ryun)
      4. Chil Sung Hyung #1-7
    3. DAN Level Training
      1. Tando/Knife Defense
      2. Yuk Ro Hyung #1-6
  6. Federation Gup and Dan Manual (3meg PDF file)